Pretty Happy

Happy Easter & Passover. Celebrating both is one of my most favorite blessings. I have so much to say about this. First I want to extend love and respect to...
Happy Easter & Passover. Celebrating both is one of my most favorite blessings. I have so much to say about this. First I want to extend love and respect to...

Luck and feeling stuck
Do you believe in luck? I do. And... Nothing can happen unless you believe it can happen. I believe that luck is what we create by believing. When you shift...
Luck and feeling stuck
Do you believe in luck? I do. And... Nothing can happen unless you believe it can happen. I believe that luck is what we create by believing. When you shift...

My dad passed away recently. The moment it happened, and ever since, I've had this overwhelming feeling that magic truly exists. I just know there is magic now. And it's...
My dad passed away recently. The moment it happened, and ever since, I've had this overwhelming feeling that magic truly exists. I just know there is magic now. And it's...

Chaos makes us stronger
The thing about the chaos heart necklace is that it's the most sturdy of all my designs. The "chaos" of wire that fills the heart makes it stronger. That "chaos"...
Chaos makes us stronger
The thing about the chaos heart necklace is that it's the most sturdy of all my designs. The "chaos" of wire that fills the heart makes it stronger. That "chaos"...

It's Safe to Dream
Some of us have a thing that's quietly nagging in the back of our minds, and maybe has been for years. Something we are called to do. An image pops up...
It's Safe to Dream
Some of us have a thing that's quietly nagging in the back of our minds, and maybe has been for years. Something we are called to do. An image pops up...

Winter - Preparing to Bloom
This is a time when many people are dreading the long cold winter ahead. Here in Maine, it's pretty much the longest and the coldest, so I get it. But...
Winter - Preparing to Bloom
This is a time when many people are dreading the long cold winter ahead. Here in Maine, it's pretty much the longest and the coldest, so I get it. But...